Mobility for Studies outside of the EU

How does the extra European mobility for study work?

The selection process
Every year the university opens a selection process for mobility outside of Europe, giving students the possibility to attend programs in universities outside the European Union. The selection announcement indicates the necessary requirements for admission, the criteria and the deadline to submit an application, the list of partner universities, and all the necessary information to participate. 
Partner list and information

Submitting an application
The application for non-European mobility can be submitted by any student who is regularly enrolled at the School of Economics and Management irrespective of their nationality through TURUL at the link
Each selected student, however, must obtain the visa at his/her own embassy.
Students should possess adequate knowledge of the language required by the host institution. Students enrolled in single subjects, professional master courses or PhD programs cannot participate.
Note: During the university career it is possible to participate in all three programs of mobility (Erasmus Study, Erasmus Traineeship and non-European Mobility), but a gap of at least two weeks between one program and the other is required. If all three selection processes are open at the same time, it is possible to apply to more than one.
How to submit an application
After the opening of the selection process and the publication of the list of partner universities, students should collect all the necessary information in order to choose the most appropriate destination. It is possible to find information on the websites of each partner university.
In order to help students in the selection of a non-European destination, the School of Economics and Management has prepared this link, containing information provided by partners. 
The exams to be taken at the foreign university and the corresponding Italian exams must be listed in the Learning Agreement (within the application form); these choices will be considered as “provisional” and will be used exclusively for the evaluation of the application: therefore it is not necessary to consult any professor at this stage.
The period of non-European mobility is aimed at:
- Attending courses at partner universities
- Integrate a study period with an internship period
- Carry out research for the final dissertation
The application must be submitted online following this link  and the deadline is March 6, 2024 at 1 pm.
Selection process
The commission will evaluate the application and will calculate the rankings based on the following criteria:


Two elements contribute to the score: regularity in studies (maximum 35 points) and grades in the exams (maximum 35 points).

The criteria to evaluate first-year master students are different from those used for the undergraduate students or master students from the second year onward (read the instructions for detailed information).

Max 70 points


10 points for a certified level equal to C2

9 points for a certified level equal to C1

7 points for a certified level equal to B2

5 points for a certified level equal to B1

2 points for a certified level equal to A2

1 point for a certified level equal to A1

Max 15 points


The application is considered eligible only with a minimum of 8 points obtained in this section.

Max 15 points

Allocation, acceptance of the non-European destination, and grant
The rankings will be published on the basis of the above criteria. Destinations will be allocated according to the position in the raking. Eligible students are invited to formalize their acceptance. They have to do that through the TURUL website. Students will receive a mobility contribution (reimbursement of travel expenses + grant) depending on the availability of University resources.

Once the destination is accepted, it is necessary to follow all the procedures in order to prepare the application (request for official enrollment at the foreign University). All information and necessary documents are available at the Office of International Relations. Please note that it is necessary to obtain a visa for study: the application can be made at the embassy upon receipt of the nominal acceptance letter.
If you are required to send a Transcript of Records, you can download it from your SOL area by going on the top right: MENU > SEGRETERIA > CERTIFICATI > Autocertificazione Iscrizione con Esami Superati (English Version).

The Learning Agreement
The Learning Agreement must include the list of exams to be taken at the foreign university and the corresponding exams of the University of Florence. The Learning Agreement must be filled in before the departure, but it can be modified during the mobility, provided it is agreed with all interested parties. Before filling in the Learning Agreement, students are required to find and verify all the necessary information: the exact name of the courses, the indication of the number of local credits and equivalence between them and ECTS (European Credit Transfer System. 1 ECTS = 1 CFU). Students can contact the Office of International Relations for further information. After choosing the exams students must consult the tutor for international mobility of their "Corso di studio" (degree program) (LIST OF TUTORS) in order to receive approval.
Students will then fill in the first page of the Learning Agreement (section: Before the mobility) and sign it; the tutor will also sign the document, which must then be submitted to the Office of International Relations.
In the event that a student has the necessity to modify the Learning Agreement, once arrived at the host university, he/she can do it, but only after consultation with the tutor (via e-mail). The new Leaning Agreement must be submitted by using the second form here included (LA DURING). The student, the tutors both in Florence and at the partner University must sign the document, which should then be sent to the Office of International Relations.

Certification of the study period
Before returning to Italy it is necessary to request at the Office for International Students at the host University an official document (with stamp and signature) assessing the start date and the end date of the period spent abroad. This document will be used to calculate the correct amount of the scholarship. In order to obtain the reimbursement of travel expenses, it is advisable to keep the receipt of the plane ticket and the boarding cards: these documents must be delivered to the Office of International Relations upon return.

The Transcript of Records
The Transcript of Records (TOR) is the official document in which the foreign university indicates the exams that the student has taken during the mobility with the indication of credits and grades. It is generally sent to the Office of  International Relations and/or to the student within two months from the end of the semester. The Office of International Relations will contact the student as soon as it receives the document (or the student has to notify the Office of International Relations if the transcript is sent to him/her).
The certification of the exams
The certification of the exams taken during the mobility period is not automatic, therefore it is necessary to make a specific request to the Office of International Relations.
To submit the request the student should
1. Wait until the foreign university sends (by post or email) the original Transcript of Records to the student or to the Office of International Relations. Typically this document is sent one or two months after the mobility.
2. Fill in the Learning Agreement (section: After the mobility) and deliver it to the Office of International Relations together with the Transcript of Records.
The dossier will be discussed at the first committee meeting of the student’s degree and will then be passed on to the relevant administrative office which will register the exams and the grades on the student’s page (at this point they will be visible on SOL).

It is strongly recommended not to plan the graduation in July or September if the mobility finishes in June, or in February if the mobility finishes in January, since there will be no time to receive the relevant documents from the partner University.
Recognition of the foreign language exam
Only for Bachelor students (EA, EC, SECI).
If during your mobility period, you pass at least 12 ore18 CFU in a foreign language, when at home you can ask for the recognition of the exam of that language (maximum 6 CFU). The grade will be calculated as the weighted average of the grades obtained in the exams abroad. This procedure will be carried out by the International Relations Office.

Read the announcement for the selection process for EXTRA-European mobility for the academic year 2024/25.


Last update



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