Entry test

If you do not pass the test you will be assigned a number of OFAs, which are knowledge gaps to be fulfilled.

Until you fulfill these gaps you will be able to take only the exams of the first semester of the first year.

  • TOLC-E - The Fulfilment of OFAs takes place by attending CISIA MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) Basic Mathemacs and by passing the CISIA placement test (PPS TOLC-E).
  • English TOLC-E - The fulfilment of OFAs takes place by attending Maths Essentials or (free track) Pre-University Calculus  and by passing the recovery test (april 2025) OR you can fulfil OFAs by passing the test at a later date.

If you do not pass the recovery test, you have to fulfil OFAs by passing the test at a later date.

Last update



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